
Aleksa Bečić, Deputy Prime Minister, met with the Chief of IOM Montenegro Mission, Vladimir Gjorgjiev

The interlocutors expressed satisfaction with the ongoing cooperation, particularly emphasizing Montenegro's engagement in programs supporting the development of institutional and legislative frameworks in the field of asylum, migration, and visa regime.

In line with full compliance with EU legislation, Bečić highlighted planned amendments to the Law on Foreigners aimed at improving the procedure for determining the status of stateless persons. Additionally, he emphasized the government's support for the socio-economic advancement of migrants, particularly emphasizing their education, healthcare, and social protection.

Deputy Prime Minister Bečić also highlighted the Decision on the temporary protection of individuals from Ukraine, and the formation of a Coordination Body involving all key sectors further emphasized Montenegro's seriousness in approaching this issue.

"By ensuring healthcare, access to data for enrolling children in schools and preschool institutions, as well as facilitating work through issuing work permits, we provide comprehensive support to individuals from Ukraine under temporary protection," Bečić emphasized.

Gjorgjiev highlighted regional cooperation in combating illegal migration and crime as a key component of greater security in the Western Balkans and beyond. He also praised the efforts of the Ministry of the Interior to establish a system for electronic identification and registration of migrants connected to EURODAC, aiming to improve information exchange between the region and the EU.

The Deputy Prime Minister conducted a retrospective of political events in the country, which undoubtedly testify to overall social stabilization and democratic maturity in Montenegro.

 “Appointments in the judiciary, strengthening of the judicial and prosecutorial system, and the restoration of the functionality of institutions are key internal incentives for Montenegro's integration path. If there is enough wisdom, dedication, and perseverance on the path of reforms by all factors and actors in our society, I see the year 2028 as a quite realistic possibility for our entry into the European Union," Bečić stated.

Commenting on the current political situation in our country, Gjorgjiev highlighted a series of decisions made with a broad consensus in Parliament as a sign of societal and institutional maturity, confirming social stability and cohesion.

"Recent successes in unblocking the judiciary and institutional systems should serve as an incentive not to miss the opportunity before you. International partners recognize and appreciate the maturity that the new government demonstrates at the beginning of its mandate," Gjorgjiev concluded.



For more information, please contact Edina Osmanović, tel: +382 68 865 005, email:

Click here to read the press release in Montenegrin.


SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals